Sunday, January 29, 2012

The emptiness engulfing the World

This time last year all of us were holding our heart and hoping for a better future. It was the time of Arab spring.

After being decades under the yoke of domestic tyranny, the people in the Arab World were revolting finally and this time without any backing from any one from outside. This will be the beginning of a better tomorrow as we thought.

The beginning of this year is completely different from the previous year. The hopes of tremendous progress of previous year has already started giving in to the cold and hard reality that it takes decades sometimes centuries to bear fruit when it comes to revolutions and change.

When it comes to the beginning of the current year instead of the hope in progress we will be lucky if we do not end up digressing from even the very low-standards of morality that human being has managed to achieve for itself in its time in this planet.

The region of West Asia which showed all the promises last year is back to its usual sordid and grim reality.

We started the year with murder of a nuclear scientist in Iran. More than the murder what was shocking was the reaction from the global community about this tragedy.

A nuclear scientist who is murdered because of a political issue and the reaction of the global community is strangely muted to say the least.

A World where people look other way when some of its best minds are taken away is not the best to hope for progress.

If collective silence about the murder of an intellectual was bad enough what was more distressing was the silence amongst the global conscience over the consistent drum beats over calls for economic sanctions and surgical military strikes against Iran.

The elections that will determine who will be the “leader of the free World” always brings up colorful and creative staff. This year will not be any exception.

Those who have seen the movie “Apocalypto” will be familiar with the phenomenon of ancient predecessors of today’s native-Americans sacrificing the heart of innocent human beings to please their Gods.

It is really scary to see the contenders, one of whom would be elected “the leader of free World” later this year, so easily calling for crippling sanctions which will probably go on to make Iranian children starve.

The commentators whose job is to look and analyze the World events, assures us that it is just election ploy. The people need to see a tough “leader of the Free World.”

The kind of compassion that one assumes is inevitable from this modernized humanity is seemingly in short supply. This is the time when everyone likes to feel good by predicting how their enemy’s children will starve to death.

A famous American commentator recently said on live radio that “I dislike Rumi, I dislike Hafez, I dislike Saadi and I will not give a damn even if they are lost forever to posterity.” The gentleman was talking about how introducing western style modern education to girls in Iran would lead to Iran having less and less babies and complete depopulation within the next century. He was gleefully predicting how no one would speak Persian within a century.

The World could have ignored if that kind of hatred and bloodlust was only limited to odd commentator in “the strongest ever power on human history”. But alas only if things were that simple.

If some rational being would have come from outside this solar system to our earth and if he would have hard the cries of “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran……” and the tremendous ovations that these cries receive, he would probably believe that our civilization has not moved much beyond what it used to be during the time of Aztecs.

This is a World increasingly without its bearings. When “the leader of the free World” takes pride in his annual address to nation by giving approximated counts of how many men his unmanned drones have turned into ash and vapor , then the World should be afraid and concerned.

There is an old saying that amidst pessimism lay the flickers of hope. But where is the hope in today’s World which seem to be celebrating the macabre joys of death and destruction more than it values the

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Random thoughts on the latest Rushdie incident

Random thoughts on the latest Rushdie incident

Ever since the latest round of news surrounding Salman Rushdie has come into news, a peculiar idiosyncratic ritual can be seen on the part of some members of Indian intelligentsia. This can be categorized as selective fellow-filling on the part of those very members of our intelligentsia.

Incidents like the recent one involving Salman Rushdie gives the Indian intelligentsia an opportunity to prove to the common people their credentials for being representatives of a freedom-loving and creativity-cherishing society. This gives them the opportunity to show their sympathies for someone who resembles their lifestyles and way of life. This is an expression of sentimental-fellow feeling on the part of these members of our intelligentsia.

The World in these days is watching a lot of tragic and sad events which call for the attention of all of us who are concerned about the future prospects of humanity. In my view these events require a strong position-taking for all those who are concerned about the current situation of humanity.

The recent murder of the Iranian nuclear scientist Ahmadi-Roshan is condemnable for the fact that leaving politics aside this was an attack against an individual who was doing scientific research which could have led to the betterment of people. This was a deliberate attack to target the intellectual talent of a country.

All of us have criticized the incident of the destruction of the Bamian Buddhas. We called the perpetrators backward, inward-looking people who do not understand the benefits of art and culture. In my view this killing of the nuclear scientist in Iran has also need to be seen in the same light.

This killing is attempted to deprive a people the knowledge and know-how to do scientific research. This is just to ensure that the people remain blunt and stupid as the attackers would probably want the Iranian people to become so.

Some days back I heard a American radio talk show whereby a very prominent American commentator was discussing with glee about how the western-educated, modernized Iranian urban female population have stopped producing enough babies and he predicted within a century there will be no one speaking Persian in the World. I was perplexed and shocked to hear him enjoying the prospects of a millennium-old language being extinguished forever. He went on cheering live on air, “I dislike Rumi, I dislike Hafez and I do not care if they vanish from the collective minds of humanity.”

I still cannot believe those words. I mean where we are going as humanity when we can relish about the prospects of annihilation of a language which has given this World so much.

There were more things to feel horrified about the future prospects of our humanity. Next few days brought the disgusting pictures of American marines answering nature’s call, on dead human beings.

Yesterday, an American marine pleaded guilty in the heinous murders of an innocent family in Haditha , Iraq and what was shocking that the court just gave him three months in prison.

This is not only shocking but a real cause of concern if we try to analyze the inherent pattern in these two events. We have a man accepting in public that he was responsible for the murdering of innocent people and then the court of law just giving him so light a sentence.

To me if this man goes out of the court after three months and murders some more people, you have to blame the judge who let him get away with murder. No wonder some of the friends of that man was busy celebrating relieving themselves on the dead bodies of fellow human beings. After all they know that if their counterparts can get away after making the bodies of some innocent people lifeless, surely they will get away with dishonoring those very same lifeless bodies.

The last event that came to my notice was the lucid remark by a very famous American television commentator about how a certain American presidential contender who is known to posterity as a rich and powerful corporate guy ; could use the Golden temple at Amritsar as one of his holiday luxury suits.

This to my mind is not only a show of a lack of sensitivity for the sentiments of people but it is a far greater malice.

It is just yet another symptom of a mindset whereby a person thinks that if he is rich and famous then for him everything is up for grabs.

This is the most significant thing that all the thoughtful people in this World should be really concerned of.

Our World is going through an intellectual and identity crisis. The mindset whereby people feel indifferent to natural norms like the revulsion in the killing of innocents and desecration of dead bodies is taking over more and more innocent hearts and minds. This mindset considers everything as material terms. This mindset considers itself superior to all the rest and is completely indifferent to whatever happens to the rest of the unfortunate people whom it considers as “insignificant and collateral”. To this mindset there is very little value for other people’s feelings, sensitivities or their lives.

The World will be moving to an uncertain territory in terms of intellectual and for that matter any kind of progress if this mindset continues to march on with its macabre dance of death and destruction.

There is a moral responsibility on the parts of thinking peoples all over the World to speak out loudly against the further spread of this mindset. This is much bigger than affronting the rights of free speech of a single celebrity individual.

If today’s Indian intelligentsia is selective in showing concern to one of his own and completely silent on the spread of this marauding exceptional mindset that I have been warning now, it will be too late for them when this mindset turns against them.

Selective judgment from the intelligentsia of a country is the most sure and most short route towards intellectual irrelevance in the present and complete oblivion for posterity.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The death of a scientist

The death of a scientist

Amongst the intellectuals of the World, scientists are the most sought after people as per as the World powers are concerned.

Philosophers and poets are never on the good books of the World powers. They may spread dangerous ideas weakening the power base of the powers that be.
Scientists in comparison are very different. These are the people who without thinking about their personal desires, work tirelessly to open up new frontiers of knowledge.

To the rulers and statesmen, the scientists are like the magicians who can always come up with a new rabbit from their hats, in this case a glorious invention which can be either a great weapon to install fear into the hearts of their enemies or awesome gadgets to keep their always unruly people busy with trivial pursuits of kernel pleasure.

That is the reason that even scientists who may have cooperated with the erstwhile enemies, become highly admired and respected amongst the ruling classes of the victors. The end of World War-II saw a great hunt for Nazi rocket scientists, possession of whom was considered a great advantage in the cold war by either side.
Not all scientists enjoy same sort of luck though.

Indeed to the great powers, if some scientists can be the most sought after commodities during the war, at the same times those very same scientists, who are other side of the fence, could be considered as great enemy assets worthy of destruction alike any other strategic piece of infrastructure.

The death of a scientist thus becomes so paramount for the powers of the World.

The recent case of the murder of the Iranian nuclear scientist has to be seen in this context.

The West in general and America in particular are always fond of inviting and exploiting the best brains from the developing World i.e. the East.

The same scientists become the targets of murders and assassinations once these scientists decide to work for their own lands.

The pursuit of knowledge is great as long as the pursuers i.e. the scientists happen to be on the right side of the fences.

The pursuit of knowledge is thus acceptable only as per as it is done for the right side in question.

The pursuit of knowledge by the other side is considered a threat to the “peace and security of the International community”.

In the end, it is humanity which suffers most when some of its best minds are destroyed. The human urge to dominate and control thus again vanquishes the human quest for knowledge and intrigue.

One fortunate thing though, however cruel and inhuman we are, we humans will always value the pursuers of knowledge more than the destroyers of humanity’s best minds.

After all who knows the name of the Roman soldier today who decapitated Archimedes? Who cares about the executioners of Lavoisier in this century?

I say this to the grieving family of the murdered Iranian scientist, “Your son today, joined the ranks of those great minds of yesteryear, who died while fighting to expand the boundaries of knowledge. The bones of your son’s executioners will grind to the dust of infamy and oblivion. History will ensure that.”

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Do social networks make us think less?

How many times have your parents rebuked you for being hooked too long on the social networks? Are they saying that you are having lower grades because you happen to spend too long on the social networks than on solving math puzzles?

It is a sure bet that every time the parents rebuke a teen for being too attentive to social networks and being too less attentive on their studies , they can expect their children too ignore them.

Wait a minute before as a teen you just ignore what your parents are saying to you about the social networks because they could be right about what they are saying.

It is certainly possible that social network may not be an unmixed blessing.

Many sociologists and historians have earned their P.hd-s by writing eloquent essays on the positives of social networks but at times we also need to look at the other side.

The reason that people go to social networks are many but here are two that I would like to highlight. First of all what social networks have done is publishing things easier sometimes a lot easier than we may want to.

It is very easy now days to publish your thoughts, your feelings and even your intimate moments on the social networks and what more to find a lot of followers very quickly to give you feedback for them.

In the pre-Internet days, it used to be really difficult for any author to publish any document without a lot of traveling to meet the editors and get something published.

In the pre-network days aspiring writers and authors had to not only burn their proverbial midnight lamp oils but they would have to be prepared that despite giving all their best , their efforts may not see the light of the day.

To get any feedback live aside good ones meant laboring for years for any types of authors. An aspiring author not only used to wait for their names to appear on the print. They also had to be prepared that their best efforts may die in the wilderness of the publication houses.

Social networks have undoubtedly saved a lot of traveling costs of aspiring authors and surely it may have saved a lot of lives of frustrated young talents also.

But making things simple and easy also has meant that the author would not find that extra amount of motivation that draws the line between mediocrity and excellence.

Is that the reason that we may have a lot of bloggers and posters now days but very few classics and masterpieces? Have we as a species, crossed that evolutionary threshold whereby we are unable to be patient enough for thinking and writing classics and masterpieces.

Becoming successful in any craft or becoming a part of history demands not only demands hard-jaw determination but it also demands a lot of patience and perseverance.

Now when you are sure through your social networks that irrespective of whatever you write, you will get a lot of views and likes from your committed network, thus you will feel that less reason to study that extra book or most importantly think that extra bit.

Quick likes that these days one gets at the social networks and the blogospheres also have the potential to increase the anxiety and frustration of the writers and posters at the blogospheres and the social networks once their success at the blog does not turn out to be successes at the real world of printing world.

When you are used to having quick successes of publishing that means it is more difficult for you to fight hopelessness and depression when failure comes in the real life.

Your social networks may give you company in your leisure but they are no match to grid, patience and determination that are your best friends at any juncture in life.

So next time when your mother rebukes you for your falling grades it may be time to listen to her. After all, she may not be too far off the mark?

Monday, January 2, 2012

When a calm day turns hostile

The beginning of the day was very similar to the previous ones. I started out around 6 AM in the morning , went to office early since I had an important morning meeting to attend with a person who was sitting in the USA.

My plan for that day was to take an early lunch with some of my colleagues and go home as early as possible. I had to attend another party in the evening. At that time I had no idea of what was going to come at the end of the day.

Half an hour after the meeting was over; I got a phone call from a hitherto unknown number. The voice was familiar. It was from one of our neighbors. He sounded as if he was in a hurry and under real duress.

Then in that hurried tone what he conveyed to me left me without thought or speech for moments.

I got the news that while performing her daily rituals in morning, my mom had caught fire and she was badly burnt. The neighbor, who called me, alongside some more of our neighbors, was taking her to a hospital close to my office.

I remember rushing to the hospital where my neighbor had said they were taking my mother to. I arranged it in such a way that as soon as my mother would arrive, she could be admitted.

After ensuring everything in place, I began to wait anxiously in that hospital waiting room. When I had last called my neighbor, he mentioned a location, which was about half an hour from the hospital.

After sitting on the sofa in that crowded waiting room, I came out of it. I took a cup of coffee from the vending machine at the lobby. The coffee tested more bitter than usual.

Then I started pacing from one side of the lobby to another. I did not notice how long I continued that course of action.

I was so tense that I could not even call up my neighbor. After some time, fate probably had enough of me for that day. I felt my cell phone had started buzzing.

My neighbor asked me to come into the car parking area. When I went there I stood still.

My neighbor and another lady from the neighborhood were holding from both sides someone who looked like my mom. It was as if she had the misfortune of meeting a torrential whirlwind and it had left its signatures on my mom.

Her nimble hands, her soft hair, her firm legs and most of the rest of her body showed signs of being under the torture of heat and fire.

The neighbors of mine who were helping my mom also looked in big discomfort. It was as if the whirlwind had taken its toll on them also.

Later I came to know that just after leaving our home; the cab which was taking my mom had met an accident on the road. My neighbors did suffer injuries though thankfully my mom’s condition did not change much because of the accident itself.

Later after admitting my mom into the hospital the doctors diagnosed her with approximately 40 per cent of burn injuries. They gave an estimated INR 6 Lakhs for curing her during the period of one month.

I made arrangements of the money and made sure my mom will be treated fine for the duration of the month.

After everything was cleared, I went home with some sort of relief. The hospital was not only quite expensive but probably the best in my city when it came to treatment and facilities.

Then the rest of the one moth period went away. I regularly visited mom in hospital and talked with her doctors about her health. They continued to say that she was responding well with the treatment they were providing to her.

Suddenly when the one month period was about to come to an end, I got a phone call from the hospital which took my breath away.

I received the information that the cost of treating my mom had crossed over INR 30 Lakhs. They also said that my mom was still not cured at the time completely and she needed to be kept at the hospital for some more time.

At that time I understood the whole matter. My mom was not treated fairly by that hospital. To the hospital she had become a cash cow, ready to be milked as much as they could extract.

I contacted a known journalist of a renowned newspaper of my area. Then I informed her about the whole thing. I explicitly mentioned how the hospital authorities were intentionally hiking the bill way beyond an acceptable limit.

Then I contacted another hospital and immediately reserved a place for her.

Then I went to the first hospital, there I immediately told the authorities there that they had broken the promise of their initial estimate and anyways I will not be able to pay the amount that they are asking and I want to release my mom.

The authorities were adamant. They will not release my mom.

“Ok, whatever you think”. I said to them. “I have already informed the media about the facts before coming here. Tomorrow the whole city will know about this”.” Now even if this is not bad enough for your reputation and you still refuse to release my mom, I am going to go to consumer forum against you”. “If anything happens to my mom, I am going to go to law against all of you”.

That was a tense time. We were having real tense meetings with the hospital authorities. In the end, the hospital authorities relented.

They released my mom, and promised to discuss with me later about adjusting the bill amount.

I took my mom out and went to the hospital was she was supposed to be admitted.

When we had reached that particular hospital another piece of bad news was waiting us. We came to know that the seat which was reserved for my mom had been given to someone privileged who came later.

“How could you do this to me?” I could not control my mind. “I reserved the bed this morning and you have given it someone else”.

“Ok keep the patient on floor for the night”. The doctor-in-charge said with cool eyes and wry smile. “We could have some kind of arrangement for her tomorrow”.

At that instance, I could not control my mind. “How could you do this to me?” I started shouting, “my mom is burnt patient and you want her to be kept at floor for the whole night?”

A ward boy came to me. “Listen sir, I know another good hospital nearby”. He said to me, “you could admit her over there.”

When we finally admitted my mom at that hospital mentioned by the ward boy, it was close to 11 PM on a Friday. The hospital authorities there demanded an advance which we could afford in the end. But there was a catch there, they would accept only cash and there was no ATM close by.

Fortunately for me there was a bank near by. So I went there. But when I wanted to take some money out of my account so that I could pay the bank back, I was informed by the bank authorities that I can not take the amount of money I wanted at that time in the night.

I understood I needed something to do. I started shouting, “Listen, I have to admit my mom to the hospital and for that I need that amount of money. If you do not trust me, then please can any one of you come with me so that I will take you to the hospital to let you know why exactly I need that amount of money?”

After some more deliberations, they relented and I finally could get the money and admit my mom to the hospital.

It was a fiery day and I still continue to believe that my fiery tongue and fiery mind saved my mom on that day.